Although most Californians are aware of the need to conserve water during times of drought, the troubles we face here do not even begin to compare to living in a region of the world where safe drinking water is not readily accessible. National Geographic recently published an extensive piece explaining the global water crisis which stated that four billion people already live in regions that experience severe water stress for at least one month of the year, according to a 2016 study in the journal Science Advances.
The LA-based organization, The Thirst Project, is making tremendous progress in a quest to combat the global crisis by educating middle and high school students on the problem and empowering them to hold fundraisers with 100% of donations going directly toward building water projects in the field. Actor Gregg Sulkin (HULU’s Marvel’s Runway, Wizards of Waverly Place), recently joined the effort by designing a line of water bottles and apparel with proceeds benefitting The Thirst Project.
Get involved now by shopping Greg Sulkin’s collection on Share to Give, starting a community fundraiser with The Thirst Project, or donating directly to the cause.
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